Cigars in Movies: The Most Badass (and Ridiculous) On-Screen Cigar Smokers

There is no question that, as cigar smokers, we are thrilled when we see someone light up on the big screen, when we see cigars in movies.

It screams power, confidence, or simply an in-your-face to Hollywood norms.

For me, I often run some sort of backstory, thinking the actor wrote it into their contract that they were going to smoke. Seems like sure-fire way to have a ton cigars – heck, probably even some sort of best-cigar-boy or best-cigar-girl person on staff just off camera with a lighter for touch-ups

In some cases, these people on the big screen look great. In some cases, well, let’s just say I would have rather had them chew gum.

But all ships rise in tide. Or at least the ones that are floating do.

Here are a couple of the topic cigars in movies moments off the top of our heads…and feel free to leave your own in the comments!

🔥 Cigars in Movies: The Badass Cigar Smokers 🔥Cigar smokers in movies.

1. Winston Churchill (The Crown and Darkest Hour)

Played by: John Lithgow and Gary Oldman.

Signature Cigar: Romeo y Julieta or La Aroma de Cuba.

Winston Churchill’s legendary cigar habit has been faithfully recreated in countless films and series. Whether he’s making wartime speeches or intimidating political rivals, the man was a walking cloud of smoke. His cigar isn’t just a prop—it’s a symbol of power, resilience, and, let’s be honest, stubbornness.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Literally Everything, But Especially Predator & The Expendables)

Signature Cigar: Arnold is across the board here. Punch Punch is a go-to. As is OpusX and Hoyo de Monterrey (Rumor is that Milton Berle gave him a box in 1987)

Schwarzenegger doesn’t just smoke cigars in movies — he lives cigars. His character in Predator chomps down on a stogie while hunting an extraterrestrial killing machine. In The Expendables, he’s lighting up mid-battle like it’s just another Tuesday.

3. Tony Montana (Scarface)

Played by: Al Pacino

Signature Cigar: Cuban

Say hello to his little friend — and his cigar. Tony Montana’s entire vibe is built on excess, and nothing screams I have arrived like puffing a thick Cuban while plotting world domination. His over-the-top smoking style is iconic, even if it ends (spoiler alert) in a very messy fashion.

4. Wolverine (X-Men Series)

Played by: Hugh Jackman

Signature Cigar: Unclear, but definitely rugged.

Wolverine is the definition of “rough around the edges,” and his cigars add to his tough, no-nonsense persona..

5. Clint Eastwood (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly & Other Spaghetti Westerns)

Signature Cigar: The decades long discussion always suggested De Nobil Toscani cigars. In reality, it appears he was smoking Virginians

The Man with No Name doesn’t need dialogue—just a poncho, a squint, and a cigar clenched between his teeth. If there were an award for the most efficient cigar smoker, he’d win it. He rarely even lights the thing, yet it somehow makes him look twice as deadly.

Cigar smokers on the big screen. Comedy. Cigar Press Mag😂 The Most Ridiculous Cigar Smokers in Movies 😂

1. Hannibal from The A-Team (1980s Series & Movie)

Played by: George Peppard

Signature Cigar: Churchill

Hannibal had two trademarks: insane plans and a cigar perpetually wedged in his mouth. Whether he’s escaping a burning vehicle or plotting something outrageous, he’s always got that cigar like it’s some kind of tactical advantage. It never fell out during a fistfight. I love it when a plan comes together.

2. Bender (Futurama)

Voiced by: John DiMaggio (no, not that one).

Signature Cigar: Whatever he steals

Bender is a robot. He doesn’t have taste buds. And yet, this beer-guzzling, cigar-smoking, morally questionable metal man somehow smokes more than anyone on this list. The best part? His cigars are often completely unnecessary but still played off as vital to his “lifestyle.”

3. Baby Herman (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)

Voiced by: Lou Hirsch

Signature Cigar: Whatever cartoon mobsters smoke.

A literal baby. In a diaper. With a cigar. This character is the definition of What is even happening? If anyone needs a case study on how animation got away with some wild things in the ‘80s, Baby Herman is Exhibit A.

4. The Mask (Green Tornado of Chaos)

Played by: Jim Carrey

Signature Cigar: Who even knows, but it lights up like a firework.

If smoking a cigar could be considered a full-body performance, Jim Carrey’s The Mask would be the grand champion. He doesn’t just smoke cigars—he uses them like magic wands, creating smoke tornadoes and ridiculous expressions while dancing through a crime scene.

5. Groucho Marx (Classic Marx Brothers Films & TV)

Signature Cigar: Any prop for fast-talking wisecracks.

Groucho didn’t just smoke cigars—he wielded them like comedic weapons. Half the time, you wonder if he even knew how to smoke, or if the cigar was just a natural extension of his sarcasm. Either way, it worked.

From war heroes to robots…

…cigars have been used on-screen to convey everything from raw power to pure nonsense. Whether it’s Clint Eastwood silently puffing away before a duel or Bender puffing away for no reason at all, cigars remain one of Hollywood’s most enduring (and sometimes comical) props.

Got a favorite cigar-smoking character or cigars in movies moment we missed? Drop it in the comments, and let’s talk about the legends of cinematic smoke!

About the Author: Fred Rewey

Fred started smoking cigars in the mid-90s and has been hooked on the lifestyle that came with it ever since. Author of three books, Fred is still waiting for his flying car, which he was promised in childhood, but until then, he enjoys stunt planes, golf, archery, and cooking. PSA: Don't leave your bacon unattended around him!

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