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    EDGAR HOILL – Cover Artist Feature Interview

    originally featured in: Volume 8 Issue 4

    Cigar Press – Where are you from and where did you grow up?

    Edgar Hoill – I was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico. I migrated to the US at a young age and went to school in Houston, Texas. When I was 24, Interlink hired me and moved me to California to start my full time Photographer/Editor/Publisher position for Lowrider, Lowrider Arte, Heavy Hitters and Bound by Ink magazines.

    CP – Is that where One Shot One Kill came from?

    EH – Yeah, like a sniper I’ve never missed a shot.

    CP – Most of our readers know OSOK thru your cigar brand.  But you are a photographer.  When did you start shooting photos?

    Edgar Hoill

    EH – I started taking photos when I was 15 with a Yashica – A medium format film camera.  When I was in high school I started by shooting for the high school newspaper and yearbook. I was an artist since I was young but my love for photography was so big that when I got out I decided to do it full time instead of being a tattoo artist or airbrush artist.

    CP – How did that lead into a cigar brand?

    EH – I used to do photography, graphic design and layouts for Room101 Brand and while traveling with Matt (Booth) I met Christian Eiroa (CLE) and Tom Lazuka (Asylum). When the opportunity came up to do my own thing I took it, I started to work with Christian and Tom.

    CP – How do you go about designing your boxes and logos?

    EH – I design the boxes and the composition of the artwork is done by one of my handful of artist friends that I have worked with for a long time. I also go to the box factory and do the prototypes from start to finish. My graphic design background from working with magazines also helps me come up with concepts.

    CP – Do you like incorporating your photography into your brand?

    EH – I do for sure, I want people to know that the OSOK brand is a lifestyle brand that includes photography, accessories, clothing, tattoo art books and movies. The OSOK brand started back in 2000 when I was freelancing for various magazines and doing promotional photos for Houston strip clubs.

    CP – I had no idea that you traveled the world to show your photography.  How often do you do that and where is it exhibited?

    EH – I would have to say about 25% of my travels are for photo galleries. I do photo galleries yearly at tattoo conventions, art galleries and museums that are normally accompanied with a book signing. Just this year I will be in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Japan, Taiwan, China, Paris, London, Italy, Germany, Spain and a few of the States to showcase my photography.

    CP – What is your favorite subject to shoot?

    EH – I love shooting everything from lifestyle, street, portraits, automotive, concerts and weddings.  If I would have to pick one I’d say my favorite is street and cultural. The feeling I get when I capture that type of subject matter and have someone relate to it when they see it displayed in a gallery is priceless.

    CP – What else do you do as an artist, since it’s obviously not limited to photography?

    EH – I do a bunch of things to keep busy and it keeps me from going crazy. Besides photography, art books and the photo galleries, I work with a Mexican rap group called Cartel de Santa where I manage, write and help them promote their music. I was an executive producer for the Tattoo Nation documentary. I also do stencil graffiti art that is given away at my cigar events.

    CP – Where can our readers find more information about you and check out more of what you do?

    EH – Please visit or to purchase goods at and please follow me on IG: @OSOKILL